Monday, October 22, 2012

To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate-My Thoughts

It has been a while since I have written, and I apologize to the couple of people that were looking for this post. 

Several months ago I may have told you that you should make that decision yourself (and you should) about what was right for your family, but that my family was not healthy enough to receive shots--that's a fact, no doubt in my mind.  I might have been a little embarassed and maybe even apologetic of the reality that we were unable to participate in "the system."

I'm glad I waited to write!  Now I am settled to say that we should have never ever allowed a shot for any of our children, that they played a big part in the decline of our health, and would advise you to still make your own informed decision: investigate, research, and pray!  This may be a hugely accepted practice, but hugely accepted practices don't always turn out to be as good as their cracked up to be.

(This is a short list...)

I realized not to long ago that I was given an opportunity to LOOK INTO the vaccination debate before our injuries.  Just as the Lord has brought treatment and direction through people who are in my life, or who are just passing through (missionaries, evangelists, etc.) He used several individuals to show me that there was smoke, and if I would have just taken a little time, I would have seen a raging fire. 

I realized it was fear that kept me from looking--I hoped that we'd be "okay"...ignorance is bliss, right?  I know now that if something comes up, especially more than once--if it is in my thoughts and is a burden to my heart, it's a sure sign that I should LOOK and LISTEN! 

I say the ingredients listed in the picture above are dangerous--you say a small amount surely won't hurt.  I say, on this side of vaccine and metal injury, that tiny amounts can make huge differences.  They are synergistic--toxicity value goes sky high on multiple assaults to the immune system.  Immune response depends upon the specific health of the individual, and their ability to detoxify, or "take out the trash"--which is a value that can't be seen.  Is your child's methylation system, their ability to detoxify, in tip-top shape, or is their cup loaded and full: just on the brink of spilling?  All it might take for loss of language, eye contact, mobility, HEALTH, etc. would be one more shot to "boost their immunity" at a well-check up visit.  Have they had a reaction to an immunization before? You are surely asking for trouble by getting another.

Take another look at those ingredients--did you know all of that was in there?  Look at the human diploid cells, proteins from aborted fetal tissue.  Did you understand that they contained it?

Did you know that package inserts for the DTP have warnings of autism (among others) as an "adverse event" of the shot?

There is so much information out there confirming the truth.  Look at and if you need scientific studies to convince you.

More than anything, listen to mothers who have experienced vaccination injury firsthand.  They are all around you.  If you need to speak with any, contact me.  I know several who would set aside their busy schedule of biomedical testing, supplement giving, bath/sauna detoxing, special-diet preparing, healing modality researching, etc, to tell you how their children changed and how their lives turned upside down as a result.

Remember--where there's smoke, there's fire.


  1. I'm interested in a bath detox for my 2 year old...could you email me some information?

    1. Sure, Kendra! It's sent! Let me know if you have any more questions!

  2. I should not have read this before trying to go to sleep. So much for "informed consent." And the one I have heard rumblings about its lack of safety is the MMR. Not that they would tell parents this before they inject the kids with toxins, just that they will be a little cranky for a couple of days and might have a slight fever.

    And if you suggest that a child's autism was caused by vaccines, the doctors look at you like you suggested that witchcraft or fairies caused autism. This makes me so angry for the 1 in 88 kids (and 1 in 54 boys).

    Beyond the devastating consequences, what about those kids who don't seem to have any problems directly attributable to vaccines (after all, they are given vaccines before they leave the hospital so how would any change be noted). Like all the kids with ADHD that have to be medicated? My son didn't seem to have any majorly noticeable problems after vaccination (although he is hyper); he has however needed antibiotics much more the year following the rounds of vaccines. And when I say much more, I mean he doesn't get sick except for the year following vaccinations, yet those years he has strep throat fairly frequently.

    Sorry, between my nephew's autism and knowing that even my own husband thinks that it is "just a coincidence," I get a little aggravated about the vaccine thing. Well, that and it is the time of year where the CDC & pharma plasters everything with signs about getting flu shots.

    1. Thanks, Christi.

      When we did a million tests on James, his gut flora results came up with overgrowth of two different kinds of strep, Enterobacter, and yeast. We noticed that everytime we were going a little fast on his detox, or if he was repeatedly getting food that was inflammatory, he would "come down" with strep. We finally decided the immune system was knocked down and allowed the strep already there to get a foothold. You're right: folks don't realize juvenille diabetes, asthma, allergies, etc. lots of things are brought on by the shots. And, yes, I get very aggravated seeing the flu shot signs in every random place I go!

    2. My chiro has an NP that also works there with a few other profession, they stress against getting the flu shot. I am with them 100% None of my kids, my wife nor myself get it. I have had the shot 4 times in my life and all 4 times I got extremely sick. Since I have been out of the Marine Corps I have not gotten sick like that, and only 1 time have I been sick since then (got about about 8 years ago) and that was this year. My wife and I have decided to take a stand against many of the vaccines. Our pediatrician is probably going to kick us out as the say we are being "selfish and this is to also keep others safe." Well if others get the vaccine then they don't need to worry if my kids get sick right?
      There are several vaccines that use the cells of aborted babies and those our children will never receive!
